logocote bretonne

Selected hotels on the Brittany coast

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About-France.com - the connoisseur's guide to France

Interactive map of Brittany

Click on any hotel marker for full details and online booking at best rates. All hotels are located within a couple of hundred metres of the sea - some much closer. See key on left or above for different hotel types.

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Map Key: hotel classifications (clickable markers)
Use the + and - buttons to zoom in on the map; use arrows to move the map.
Luxury hotels: Five star or prestige four star hotels
Boutique hotels (small, quality hotels ). Up to 24 rooms, often much smaller
 Larger quality hotels, classic or modern hotels with all the expected amenities and maybe more.
Budget and economy hotels - 2 or 3 stars. Simple but comfortable,
All hotels of whatever category have been carefully chosen for inclusion on About-France.com, on account of their location and good visitor reviews

Book early to avoid disappointment:
hotels on the Brittany coast can book up fast at holiday times. Particularly if you plan to visit Brittany in July and August, the advice has to be: book now, if the hotel still has vacancies for your dates. next week it might be too late....
Choice of hotels: About-France.com does not propose a large choice of hotels. This is because we apply strict criteria. To be listed on About-France.com, hotels must meet our criteria for location, value and good user reviews.
Booking: for further details of each hotel, and for booking, you will be redirected to one of the major online booking portals, or in some cases directly to the hotel. Booking portals guarantee prices which can represent a considerable saving compared to standard room rates. As with air travel, advance booking of hotel rooms is not just a guarantee, it generally means better rates too, and allows the customer to complete all transactions in English or another language.
About-France.com is an affiliate partner of certain travel and tourism service providers, and may receive a small commission on sales generated on these partner websites. This has no effect on the prices charged.

North Coast West coast South coast

On the north coast of Brittany, from east to west 
At the tip of of Brittany, west of  Brest & Quimper (north to south)
On the south coast of Brittany, from west to east

More Accommodation ideas

All the hotels marked on this map are located right on the Brittany coast, in relatively quiet locations with sea views. As well as hotels in Brittany's main resorts, this selection includes a number of out-of-the-way hotels, in small villages and rural locations. Accommodation can be booked online at  the best  discounted rates on offer from the hotel.

Budget hotels in Brittany:

While these must be favourably reviewed, it is important to remember that budget hotels do not generally offer the same facilities and degree of luxury found in more expensive hotels.  With this type of hotel, the main criteria are cost, location, and cleanliness. It is not uncommon to find reviews critical of budget hotels because the rooms are small, or there's no service, or the furniture looks old. But you get what you pay for! Don't expect four-star quality from a low-cost hotel : while there are some remarkable exceptions, more often than not low-cost hotels are no-frills hotels; but they can still be friendly, comfortable and provide quite satisfactory accommodation.

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