About-France.com - the connoisseur's guide to France
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About-France.com is
a website dedicated to providing clear, reliable, well-documented and
useful information for travellers and tourists, and also useful
information on France for students and anyone interested in learning
about the country. This site is designed in particular for
travellers coming from the United Kingdom, but more generally for
travellers or students from any part of the world. Input and ideas are
provided largely by academics, by people living in France, and by
people with a professional interest in, or knowledge of, France.
Unlike pages on several of the other travel
websites on
France, even quite high-profile ones, articles on About-France.com are
all well-researched unbiassed and original work, written by people who
France well.
Statement of ethics
does not copy texts from other websites. All articles are original. In
short, we do not copy – we research, and
publish, original work. Our travel pages do not use the customary
and exaggeration of many travel sites. About-France.com
places and things as they really are: we do not use
to make
exaggerated claims about the beauty of landscapes, the height of
mountains, the picturesqueness of villages, or the old-fashioned ways
of country-folk. France is not a sort of quaint real-life Disneyland,
it is a modern European state; our portrayal of France is
pragmatic, real, and described from
years of experience. Our policy is to provide clear and factual
information on each subject, without bias or eulogising - information,
in a nutshell, that will stand the test of reality.
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was founded and is edited by Andrew Rossiter, formerly
senior lecturer and head of department in a French
Andrew Rossiter lectured on cross-cultural studies,
translation and tourism, specialising in cultural distinctions between
France and the English-speaking world. He was a committee member of
ANLEA, the French national Association for Applied Modern Languages,
a member of the French Association for British area studies
CRECIB, the Urban and human environment research centre (CREHU), and
other associations and research groups. He holds an MA in French from
the University of Edinburgh, and a doctorate in French from the
University of Besançon. He currently sits on the board of one of
France's area tourist offices.
About-France.com welcomes informed and informative contributions from
writers with a solid experience of living, working or travelling in
France, and in particular from academics with an interest in French
area studies or tourism.
Style: we invite informed, well written
and well structured articles written in clear grammatical English.
Avoid hyperbole (hype) and the exaggerated language and style of travel
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