
Best value hotels in Paris

A selection of Paris hotels offering good value for money  

About-France.com - the connoisseur's guide to France
This page is not about cheap hotels. It's about nice Paris hotels offering best value for money and a good visitor experience.
So while some of the hotels below are cheap by Paris standards, particularly some in the budget hotel category, others charge prices that – though not cheap – are nevertheless good value for money for what they offer.
   The hotels listed below have been painstakingly selected from among hundreds of Paris hotels, as being hotels that achieve generally very good ratings in guest reviews, and in particular get a very good overall rating for "Value for money".  See below for value hotels near the Eiffel Tower.
Also check out our selection of cheap hotels in Paris .
A short carefully-chosen selection of good value hotels in Paris.....
Click "Show on map" to see location, more details, and links for best online booking rates.

Choose your comfort range Luxury Midscale Budget

Map Key: (click markers on map for information, availability and booking)
Upscale classic boutique hotels with character. 4 or 5 stars. Max 50 rooms, some much smaller. Large quality hotels - chains such as Hyatt, Pullman, Mercure or Novotel
Smaller mid-range hotels, three-star boutique hotels, mostly independent. Budget and economy hotels 
- 2 or 3 stars chains such as Ibis or Campanile, and independents.
Other hotels


► Best value luxury hotels in Paris  

Hotel Le PradeyShow on map

(Central Paris - 1st arr.) Just a short distance from the Louvre and the Jardins des Tuileries. A really central location.

Hotel Raphael Show on map

(West end - 16th arr.) Top luxury: on the Avenue Kléber between the Champs Elysées and the Eiffel tower. Not cheap, but good value for what it offers. 

A la villa MadameShow on map

(Latin Quarter - 6th arr.) Boutique hotel with garden, in a small street 200 metres from Jardins du Luxembourg.

Hotel d'AubussonShow on map
(Latin quarter, 6th arr.) Historic Parisian residence in the Latin Quarter, 200 metres from the Seine. Walking distance of Louvre and Notre Dame.

Hotel da Vinci Show on map
(Latin quarter, 6th arr.) Boutique hotel with swimming pool. In walking distance of Louvre and of Musée d'Orsay.

► Best value mid-range hotels in Paris  

Hotel du Haut MaraisShow on map

(3rd arr.)  Nice small hotel in central Paris, near the Centre Pompidou and les Halles. Top guest reviews

Hotel de Notre DameShow on map

(Latin quarter.)  Given the location 350 metres from Notre Dame, in a quiet narrow street, this is good value.

Hôtel du Beaumont  – Show on map

(Montmartre area - 18th arr.) Close to the Moulin Rouge in the Montmartre area.

Montmartre - Hotel des ArtsShow on map

(18th arr.)  In a small cobbled street on the way up to Montmartre, a nice little hotel about 500 metres from the Sacré Coeur.

Hôtel de l'ArcadeShow on map

(Central area - 8th arr.) Central Paris on small street close to la Madeleine, the Opéra and the Louvre. Easy access to the Metro.

► Best value two-star hotels in Paris  

The Hotel Saint PierreShow on map

(Latin Quarter - 6th arr.) Located in the Latin Quarter, between the Seine and the Jardins du Luxembourg. Really good scores for a two star hotel.

Familia HotelShow on map

(Latin Quarter - 5th arr.) Unbeatable prices at this 2-star hotel in the heart of the Latin quarter. Some top floor rooms  have views of Notre Dame. Lots of bars and restaurants nearby. Close to the Sorbonne.

Hotel du PrintempsShow on map

(Eastern Paris - 12th arr.) In eastern Paris, in quiet neighbourhood near the Place de la Nation. Hotel with patio. Very reasonably priced by Paris standards

The Hotel du Home Moderne  – Show on map

(Southwest Paris - 15th arr.) Art-deco hotel in a quiet location near the Porte de Versailles, southwest Paris - within Paris, but away from the bustle of the central area.

Montmartre - Hotel AudranShow on map
(18th arr.) Montmartre, five minutes from Sacré Coeur, small clean and very good value two star hotel in this typically Parisian area with plenty of cafés and restaurants. 

► Best value hotels near the Eiffel Tower  

The Hotel Relais Saint Charles  – Show on map

(15th arr.) Clean, comfortable *** boutique hotel with soundproofed rooms and air-con, just a 15 minute walk from the Eiffel Tower. Located 600 metres from the Seine, and from the Dupleix metro station.

The Hotel Palais de Chaillot  – Show on map

(16th arr.) Located across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, and close to the Museum of Modern Art. Clean, comfortable *** boutique hotel with helpful and friendly staff, and just four minutes' walk to a metro station.

The Hotel Campanile Tour Eiffel  – Show on map

(15th arr.) Two star hotel just ten minutes' walk from the Eiffel Tower. Plenty of restaurants nearby. Naturally, rooms are quite small (you don't get two-star hotels with big rooms in Paris). Direct bus (42) to Gare du Nord, from outside the hotel.

More Accommodation ideas

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How these hotels have been selected.

The selection is based on guest reviews and average scores posted by real travellers who have stayed in these hotels and posted their opinions on the website of our partner Booking.com.
   In most cases, this means reviews and scores have been supplied by dozens if not hundreds of real travellers - not just by a single travel guide reporter.
   Reviews can only be posted on Booking.com by guests following their stay - meaning that these reviews can be considered as providing a reliable and genuine appraisal of each hotel – which is not what happens on all travel review sites.
About-France.com is an independent user-supported website that does not track visitors, We may receive commission from sales made on selected partner websites reached through affiliate links.

  A choice of hotels just outside Paris  Independent hotels chosen for location, accessibility and good reviews

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