Route | Ferry operator |
► See Eurostar page for trains from London or Ashford to France and Belgium | |
- Calais - three
carriers including Eurotunnel (from Folkestone) The shortest and quickest services to France. Appropriate for reaching any region of France. Check out Routes from Calais |
Eurotunnel le Shuttle - up to 4 crossings each hour |
DFDS Ferries Up to 10 crossings a day. | |
Up to 23 crossings a day Day trips from £73. Special offers may be available |
Irish Ferries 5 crossings per day | |
Dover - Dunkirk | DFDS Ferries Up to 9 crossings a day 20% discount on 2024 bookings made before 1st March |
Hull Zeebrugge (Belgium) | Not currently operating |
Newhaven - Dieppe | DFDS Ferries Up to 3 crossings a day. 2024 returns from £90 |
Portsmouth - Le Havre | Brittany Ferries
Most days of the year, generally one overnight sailing
departing 23.30 Day trips to France with 24hrs in France from £24 for foot passenger |
Portsmouth - Caen. May save time for trips to western France ... but usually much more expensive than short crossings. | Brittany Ferries
Daily up to 3 sailings a day - Daytime and night sailings |
Portsmouth - Cherbourg | Brittany Ferries Seasonal: late April - early September |
Portsmouth - St Malo | Brittany Ferries 1 sailing most nights; outward crossing departs 8.15 pm. Crossing time about 11 hours |
Poole - Cherbourg | Brittany Ferries Daily 3
Jan to 8 March, then 30 Apr. to 01 Nov. One sailing a day
usually at 8.30 am - outward. |
Plymouth - Roscoff (Brittany) Useful only for reaching Brittany and the Atlantic regions of France | Brittany Ferries
Seasonal : sporadic in winter, daily from 12th
March to
25th Sept. One crossing a day - very varied departure times depending
on day. Foot pasengers from £43 single |
Plymouth Santander or Bilbao (Spain) | Brittany Ferries Two weekly services between March and November. Essentially for motorists driving to Spain or Portugal, but also a relaxing way out or back for anyone wanting a one-way drive through France. |
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to the
regions of France Beyond
Paris, a guide to the French regions and their tourist attractions.
to Paris Make
the most of your trip to Paris; Information on attractions, Paris
hotels, transport, and lots more.
in France
The different options, including hotels,
holiday gites, b&b, hostels and more
Tourism in France
main tourist attractions and places to visit in France - historic
monuments, art galleries, seasides, and more
a trip to France
on things to do before starting your trip to France.
in France
and useful information on driving in and through France - motorways,
tolls, where to stay....
Maps of France
towns, departments, regions, climate, wine areas and other themes.