For updates on the Covid situation in France,:
see Covid
telephone numbers:
in Paris:
British Pharmacy
62, Avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris 0143 59 22 52
British-American pharmacy,
1 rue Auber, 75009 0142
65 88 29
Daily 3 pm - 11pm 01 46 21 46 46
medical emergency - Paris
Tel 0147 07 77 77
or 36 22 Alternative service
0153 94 94 94
Anti-poison centre Tel 45 45
hr chemist / pharmacies :
a) Paris 3 :
5 Place de la République
tel 0148 00 18 08
Metro République
b) Paris 8
84, av des Champs-Elysées
tel 0145 62 02 41
Metro George V
c) Paris 9
6, place Clichy
tel 0148 74 65 18
. Metros: Rome
or Blanche
d) Paris 12
Pharmacie Porte de Vincennes
86 Boulevard Soult
Tel 0143 43 13 68 Metro Porte de Vincennes
e) Paris 13 Pharmacie Tolbiac
61 Av. d'Italie
0144 24 19 72
Metro Tolbiac
f) Paris 15
Pharmacie Centrale, 52 rue du Commerce
Tel 0145 79 75 01 Metros Commerce or Emile Zola
Call15 for medical
: this is the national medical emergency number, and will get
you the SAMU service, with an ambulance (Service d'Aide
d'Urgence - or Medical Emergency Aid Service). Be prepared to indicate
exactly where you are located, and the circumstances of the incident.
Call 18:
this is the general
emergency number, like 999 in the UK or 911 in the
USA, which will
get you connected to the most appropriate service.
Call 112:
this is the standard European emergency number. Though be careful, if
you are near a land border, for instance in Alsace, a call to 112 from
a mobile phone may get directed to the emergency services in the
neighbouring country.
For more emergency numbers in Paris,
see column right.
(For foreign embassy
phone numbers, click
you travel - health insurance & the EHIC / GHIC cards
Who qualifies
for an EHIC / GHIC card ?
In general terms, EHIC
cards are available for people resident in the EU +
Switzerland, Norway or Iceland, and enrolled in the national health
care system of their country of residence.
there is a lot of incorrect information about this floating round on
the Internet. The EHIC / GHIC system does not
automatically cover
of an EU country, but people registered with and contributing to the
country's National health service.
For example an Australian citizen who happens to have a UK passport
cannot apply for an / GHIC card, nor claim reimbursement on
the basis of
having a British passport.
Brexit and EHIC
for UK visitors
Brexit, the UK has replaced the European EHIC card with its own GHIC
card (suppposedly "Global"). This was not necessary, since the EHIC is
not closed to non-EU
countries. Switzerland and Norway participate in the scheme, for
instance. But the UK government wanted its own card... which is
essentially EHIC under a new name, and valid in the same countries (the
EU and the other non-EU countries that are in the EHIC system).
While one day the GHIC may be "global", for the time being it is just
EHIC under another name. For some UK nationals resident in the EU since
before 01/01/2021, the UK continues to issue EHIC cards.
For all visitors
Visitors from European Union countries are strongly advised to make
sure that they have health
insurance cover before travelling to France or any other foreign
: EHIC rules changed in 2014. It is now no longer possible to
claim a reimbursement, with or without an EHIC card, from your home
country. This makes it all the more important to
take out a card before you go abroad. The EHIC card is available free
of charge from all European health services, including the NHS in the UK (Apply here directly
to the NHS) and the
HSE in Ireland. See below for how to get a refund using
which is usually issued for up to five years, covers any unplanned
treatment you may need during your visit to France, as a result of
accident or sickness. The card gives access to treatment by doctors,
dentists, and in public hospitals, or private clinics operating within
the French "sécurité sociale" (health service)
framework. Note
that the EHIC does not normally cover the full cost of medical
treatment in France or other countries; the NHS recommends that all
travellers also take out private health insurance, to cover the
who do not
come from EU countries must take out private health insurance cover in
order to benefit from France's excellent state health service.
a doctor / hospital / ambulance in France
has a dense network of medical practitioners, and there are doctor's
surgeries (doctor's offices - for Americans) (called "cabinets")
even in very small towns. Many doctors operate joint practices, though
many have their own private surgeries / offices. To find a doctor, ask
any local
resident, or find a chemists and enquire. In theory, you can
to the surgery of any GP during opening hours.
The number of hospitals in France is falling, as cost-cutting
measures are introduced; but it is still possible to find a hospital
with some kind of accident or emergency service in most medium-sized
towns. Look for signs for "Hôpital" or (why use one word when
two are
possible!) "Centre hospitalier". In bigger towns or cities, look for
signs to the CHR (Centre
hospitalier régional) or CHU (centre
hospitalier universitaire).
Home visits:
if the patient is too sick to move, a doctor will make a home visit.
Ask your hotel / campsite / gite owner or neighbour to call a local
medic. The cost is slightly higher than a surgery visit; payment and
refunding are the same as for a surgery visit.
Sunday and
night time calls:
in all big towns, and some smaller ones too, doctors and chemists'
remain on duty by rota. Local gendarmeries (police stations) can
usually provide the phone number of the duty doctor and chemists (médecin
de garde,
pharmacie de garde);
alternatively, ring round local chemists shops until one answers.
Doctors are often quite happy to do night calls; often these are done
by young doctors, who appreciate the extra payment for coming out at
anti-social hours.
If you see a doctor, or a hospital, you will be given a signed "feuille de soins"
(a statement of the treatment carried out), and possibly an "ordonnance"
(a prescription). These must be kept carefully, as you will
to send them in in order to claim reimbursement. You will need to take
the "ordonnance" to a chemists, where you will have to pay for the
items. If you have an EHIC card, you will be reimbursed later, (see
and your medicines will probably end up costing you quite a bit
less than they would have cost in the UK.
The current cost of a standard visit to a GP (general practitioner) in
France is 25 € (Spring 2022) . For payment and
reimbursement, see
below. Visits to specialists and to the hospital cost more, as do home
visits and visits at night and weekends.
There is a non-refundable daily hospital board and lodging
of 18€, called the forfait hospitalier; this is in addition to
medical fees. Note that French hospitals do not generally have wards.
In-patients are most commonly accommodated in twin rooms, though
sometimes rooms with up to four beds. Single rooms can usually be
obtained, at an extra cost that may or may not be reimbursed.
and getting reimbursed:
The standard principle of the French health service is "pay first,
reclaim, then get reimbursed"; but for this does not always apply in
the event of hospital treatment.
Travellers with an EHIC card
will be refunded about 70 per cent of standard doctors' and dentists'
fees, and between 35% and 65% of the cost of most prescribed medicines.
Dentists frequently charge rates above the standard recognised scale of
charges. Some common items such as bandages and comfort medicines are
at the lower rate, or not at all.
Doctors visits and hospital out-patients
You must pay
for treatment and then, using your EHIC card or UK GHIC card,
claim a partial
refund from the local
Health Insurance Office (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance-Maladie
CPAM) in France. Ask the doctor / hospital for the address of the local
CPAM office.
A&E (Urgences) and in-patient treatment
If you are treated in A&E or for other purposes as an
in-patient in an approved hospital (state
hospital or recognised private clinic) and show yourGHIC or
card, the cost of your stay and treatment (from 80% to 100% in a state
hospital) will be paid directly
by the local CPAM to the hospital. You will just be billed for the
balance, plus if appropriate the fixed daily hospital charge ('forfait
journalier'). These are
non-refundable under EHIC, which is why it is important to have private
health insurance cover as well.
to claim your refund.
if you have paid the full cost of any medical care, you must keep all
receipts and prescriptions, photocopy them all for safe keeping, then
send the originals to the
local CPAM with a covering letter, in French
or in English. The covering letter should be entitled Demande
de remboursement -
régime EHIC /
find the address of the / your local CPAM, go to the French Yellow Pages and key in
CPAM in the "Quoi,
qui ?" box, and the postcode of the hospital / doctor's
surgery in the "Où"
Include with your paperwork a copy of your EHIC / GHIC card
and also
details of the bank account to which you want your refund to be sent.
this should include SEPA-compliant information, in the form of your
IBAN number and BIC (ask your bank for details if you do not know
Don't try to claim back the patient
participation share of hospital treatment, if there is one; this is not
refundable by the CPAM; but it may be refundable by any private health
care cover you may have taken out.
If you do not
have a health insurance card, you will need to pay for your health care
contact your private insurance for reimbursement. In the event of
hospitalisation, check with your insurer.
information: The CPAM of
the Haute Vienne department, in the west of France, used to have a
useful website in English, giving full details of procedures, rates,
costs etc.
but this site seems to have been taken down.
Essential medical terms in
French with
audio :
to the first four phrases
un médecin [earn med-sanne]
Where's there
a doctor's surgery?Où
est-ce qu'on peut trouver un cabinet médical ?
[oo eskonn peur trouvay ern cabinay may-dicarl ]
Call a doctor
at once !Appelez
un médecin
tout de suite [apple eh ern med-san toot-sweet ]
urgence [oon
to the next four phrases
Ill, sick: malade [ma-larde]
pharmacie [oon
I'm very sore
here / it hurts here:
J'ai très mal ici [zhay
tray mall eesee]
to the final expression
We need to
find a doctor urgently.Nous
avons besoin de voir un médecin au plus vite. C'est urgent.
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