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Heritage cities in France

The most interesting cities to visit in France

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Twenty French cities that are really worth a visit

Heritage map of France   The About-France.com list of top tourist cities is all about cities with a remarkable heritage that makes them interesting places to visit. Many are listed as UNESCO world heritage sites, but not all. These are the cities in France - both large and small - that have plenty to interest visitors, including but not neccessarily only a fine historic heritage. These are cities with more than just a single significant attraction, cities with a rich cultural heritage and more.
    The list below does not rank cities in any subjective order of interest, nor in order of size. With the exception of Paris, which is in a category of its own at the top of the list, cities are simply listed in alphabetical order, with a brief description for each. For more detail, follow the links for each city.
    Note that this is not a standard list of the French cities that attract the most "tourists". Raw visitor statistics don't tell the whole story. There are cities in France that attract lots of visitors because, simply, they are big, and they bring in tourists because they have a well-known name, and they bring in business tourism for trade fairs and congresses.


Heritage cities in provincial France

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