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Long-distance footpaths

Les GR - "Sentiers de Grande Randonnée"

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Hiking across France: the main routes

Map of long-distance footpaths - carte des sentiers GR

 France is a country well equipped with long- distance footpaths or hiking trails. There are over 100,000 kilometres of walking trails, crossing the country in all directions; but it is in the areas of "wild France" that the paths are most numerous, and most popular. The map below shows many of the longest and most popular hiking trails in France. Further information is given below.
Long-distance footpaths or hiking trails are known in France as "Sentiers de grandé randonnée"; as with main roads, there is a national network, and the 35,000 km of marked and signposted footpaths that make up the main network are designated by numbers, preceded by the letters GR. For reasons of clarity and legibility, the map above shows only the main GRs.
  Besides GR paths, there are also PR paths, "Chemins de petite randonnée", marked trails that are most suited for local hiking, and not necessarily connected to any GR routes. GR routes are marked (on trees, posts, stones, etc) by a short red band above a white band. PR routes are marked with a yellow band. In addition, many French communes or communities have set up their own marked footpaths independently of the national network. All in all, the choice for ramblers, walkers and serious hikers is immense.
Most of the major long-distance trails run through villages where hikers can find accommodation in bed and breakfasts, "gîtes d'étape" (rather like small hostels), campsites or small hotels. Before setting out on a long distance trail, it is essential to study the route carefully on detailed maps, and check the accommodation available.

Principal long-distance hiking trails in France.

Contrary to information  posted on a UK motorcycle site, GR paths are not normally open to motorbikes, quads or other motorised vehicles, except where hiking trails follow byways or tracks that are designated as such. On many sections of GR, motorbikes and quads are both unauthorised and unwelcome. GR routes are for hikers, not bikers. French Environment ministry circularDGA /SDAJ/BDEDP n°1 of June 2005 states: "the law considers that for a track to be presumed open to motorised traffic, it must be manifestly usable by a vehicle not specially adapted for off-road driving"  .

Click here for a detailed map of France, which you can scroll and zoom on any area.

Click here for a full map and list of national GRs in France

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