French motorway

A route map of France

Motorways and other main routes

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Map of the French motorway network, plus main non-motorway trunk routes

Map Key
–  Toll motorways   –  Free motorways   –  Non‑motorway trunk routes, mostly dual- carriageway / divided highway.
Click or tap map for regional information.          For France in full detail, open this interactive map
Map of FranceRégion CentreAquitaineMidi-PyreneesLanguedocRhone - Alpes region
Overnight hotels ? click for a choice of hotels in or near main French cities
Calais  -  Reims  -  Dijon  -  Rouen  -  Chartres  -  Caen  - Le Mans -  Orleans  -  Paris  -   Clermont Fd
French ecotax camera gantry
This photo shows an ecotax  camera gantry, not an average speed camera gantry
The map above shows the principal arterial routes through France;
for toll motorways, blue for free motorways, and green for main trunk routes, which are mostly dual carriageways or divided highways – though this is not always the case. For detailed information on certain specific routes, see below.

Average speed cameras and ecotax cameras.

Average speed cameras - called radars tronçon -  are used on some main routes. Don't look for a gantry; in most cases they are just mounted on posts on the roadside, like other speed cameras only slightly higher up. Though mainly on motorways and major trunk routes, they can be found on minor roads too.
  The large gantries spanning free motorways and major dual carriageway routes (photo right) are not speed cameras, but unused ecotax cameras solely for HGVs over 7.5 tonnes. For more about this, see HGVs in France page.

 Continue further south:   Motorway and route map of Spain
Detailed route information:
main routes
Click route for details
To southwest & southern France, and Spain To east and southeast France, and Switzerland
 A16  -  A28 A71
North-south routes via
A16 & Rouen, using motorways
 A 26  -   A 7  
North-south route via A26 and Reims, using motorways
No-tolls routes to south and southwest France No-tolls route to eastern and southeast France

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Motorway map of France.  

The French motorway network, 2025, plus other non-motorway trunk routes

Motorway France

Summer driving.


Winter dan be different...

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