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The departments of France
(France-in-Europe, excluding overseas territories).

are the second-tier administrative subdivisions of
France, below the
Departmental numbers are widely used in
France to designate locations. They form the first two figures of any
French postcode - for example the postcode for
Toulouse is 31000, the
"31" representing the department of the Haute Garonne of which
is the capital. Department numbers also feature on vehicle registration
plates, though no longer in the actual number.
Each region of continental France is made up of at least 4 departments.
For instance
comprises departments 22, 29, 35 and 56.
Overall, continental France is divided into 94
administrative departments,
numbered 1 to 95, excepting 20. There is no department 20. The former
department 20 is now departments 2a and 2b, which are the island of
Key: for the names of the French departments, see below.
corresponds more or less to a
in the
UK, a
in Switzerland or a
in Spain.
List of French departments:
Departments have various types of subdivision. The most important of
these are
communes (boroughs),
each with its mayor. Increasingly communes are grouped into "Com coms" -
communautés de communes
. Other subdivisions of departments, used for specific purposes only,
(01) Ain
(02) Aisne
(03) Allier
(04) Alpes-de-Haute-
(05) Hautes-Alpes
(06) Alpes-Maritimes
(07) Ardèche
(08) Ardennes
(09) Ariège
(10) Aube
(11) Aude
(12) Aveyron
(13) Bouches-du-Rhône
(14) Calvados
(15) Cantal
(16) Charente
(17) Charente-Maritime
(18) Cher
(19) Corrèze
(2A) Corse-du-Sud
(2B) Haute-Corse
(21) Côte-d'Or
(22) Côtes-d'Armor
(23) Creuse
(24) Dordogne
(25) Doubs
(26) Drôme
(27) Eure
(28) Eure-et-Loir
(29) Finistère
(30) Gard
(31) Haute-Garonne |
(32) Gers
(33) Gironde
(34) Hérault
(35) Ille-et-Vilaine
(36) Indre
(37) Indre-et-Loire
(38) Isère
(39) Jura
(40) Landes
(41) Loir-et-Cher
(42) Loire
(43) Haute-Loire
(44) Loire-Atlantique
(45) Loiret
(46) Lot
(47) Lot-et-Garonne
(48) Lozère
(49) Maine-et-Loire
(50) Manche
(51) Marne
(52) Haute-Marne
(53) Mayenne
(54) Meurthe-et-Moselle
(55) Meuse
(56) Morbihan
(57) Moselle
(58) Nièvre
(59) Nord
(60) Oise
(61) Orne
(62) Pas-de-Calais
(63) Puy-de-Dôme |
(64) Pyrénées-Atlantiques
(65) Hautes-Pyrénées
(66) Pyrénées-Orientales
(67) Bas-Rhin
(68) Haut-Rhin
(69) Rhône
(70) Haute-Saône
(71) Saône-et-Loire
(72) Sarthe
(73) Savoie
(74) Haute-Savoie
(75) Paris
(76) Seine-Maritime
(77) Seine-et-Marne
(78) Yvelines
(79) Deux-Sèvres
(80) Somme
(81) Tarn
(82) Tarn-et-Garonne
(83) Var
(84) Vaucluse
(85) Vendée
(86) Vienne
(87) Haute-Vienne
(88) Vosges
(89) Yonne
(90) Territoire de Belfort
(91) Essonne
(92) Hauts-de-Seine
(93) Seine-Saint-Denis
(94) Val-de-Marne
(95) Val-d'Oise |
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