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Paris tourist attractions - 2025

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The main Paris Tourist attractions

IMPORTANT - COVID-19  information for Paris - 2025. There are no current covid related travel restrictions, though visitors, particlularly the over-60s, are advised to be vaccinated or otherwise immunized before travel.

Museums Other sights Guided tours Other ideas Free Paris passes

See Paris from the river
Paris's river boats - for a cruise on the Seine
Paris offers the largest concentration of tourist attractions in France, and possibly in Europe. Besides some of the world's most famous musuems, its has a vibrant historic city centre, a beautiful riverscape, an extensive range of historic monuments, including cathedrals, chapels and palaces, plus one of the most famous nightlife scenes in the world.
Paris is also famous for its cafés and restaurants, its theatres and cinemas, and its general ambiance. While there are a thousand other things to do in Paris apart from those mentioned on this page, for the traveller spending just a few days in Paris , this list offers more than enough choice to fill the time. Note that national museums (i.e. the main museums) are generally closed on Tuesdays - though a few, including the Musée d'Orsay, are closed on Mondays.

Buying tickets in advance
It is increasingly recommended, and in some cases essential, to buy entrance tickets in advance, online. The age of "buying at the door" is coming to an end for major attractions, notably during peak seasons.
    Where Paris is concerned, visitors have two options; 1. to buy individual tickets in advance for each of the attractions they plan to visit, or 2. to buy a "pass".  So the first question is: which solution is best?
    We suggest choosing a pass if you want to see and do lots of things in Paris, but don't want to waste hours queueing for tickets at the popular sites;  these days, there are two kinds of queue (line)  to get in to the main attractions, firstly the security check, then the ticket booth. You can't avoid the security checks, but with a "skip the line" pass you'll avoid the much slower queues to get tickets to get in. Just bypas the slow-moving ticket-booth queue, and go straight on in, or use the fast-track provided for pass-holders.. About-France.com recommends the Paris City Pass as offering best value for money.
    Choose individual tickets for sites that are not included in the passes, or if you do not plan to visit more than three or four sites (+ the Eiffel tower, which is not on any basic passes).
    About-France.com partners with Tiqets.com where you can buy individual tickets for many of Paris's main attractions.

Paris Museums and their closing days

Mona Lisa - Joconde
Vuitton Foundation - Bois de Boulogne

Other main sites and sights:

Notre Dame de Paris

Other tourist attractions in Paris.....

Taking a trip outside of Paris:

The most visited locations on the outskirts of Paris are:
1. the château de Versailles (train from Gare Montparnasse, or RER C line from St Michel Notre Dame, Musée d’Orsay, Invalides, Pont de l’Alma, or Champ de Mars/Tour Eiffel. Château entrance tickets online here.

2: Château de Fontainebleau - train from Gare de Lyon. Château entrance tickets online here.

Use the trains or hire a car at a location on the outskirts of Paris, to avoid having to drive in the streets of Paris. See tips on car hire on the outskirts of Paris.

Paris underground.....
Two offbeat visits to see the Paris other people haven't seen.....

The Paris sewer museum.

(Musée des égouts) Closed Thursdays and Fridays - Quai d'Orsay - (Metro Alma-Marceau) There is a whole underground city beneath the Paris streets, and the Metro is just one part of it. The ancient sewerage system is a historic monument, and it has its own museum and tour visit.

The Paris catacombsThe Paris catacombs

1, avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy 75014 Paris Tél. : 01 43 22 47 63
Metro Denfert-Rochereau
Eery underground ossuary, filled with the bones and skeletons of some 6 million Parisians, removed from city graveyards between 1786 and the mid 19th century. 2 km walk underground. 130 steps down, 83 up. Buy tickets online here.   Reservation recommended

More information on things to do in Paris: Visit ParisAdvice.com
the insider's guide

Eating out in Paris

There are thousands of restaurants to choose from in Paris; as well as plenty of French restaurants, there are hundreds of Italian restaurants, pizzerias, Vietnamese restaurants, and restuarants serving food from just about every country in the world. There are also interesting French regional restaurants, serving traditional regional dishes.
There are restaurants all over Paris, because Paris is very much a lived-in city. The best concentrations of top-class restaurants in Paris are near the Champs Elysees, in the 8th, 16th and 17th arrondissements, where there are a good number of Michelin starred restaurants. For more affordable eating, and plenty of choice and atmosphere, try the small streets in the Latin quarter (5th and 6th districts), or on the Ile St. Louis.

For the best oriental cuisine, go to the Paris Chinatown, south from the Place d'Italie in the 13th.

About-Paris guide - Pages of useful information for visitors to Paris
Paris hotel information The quarters of Paris Paris transport tips
The Eiffel Tower Budget Paris Paris airport guide
Disneyland Paris Paris for free Paris in the Spring
Paris with children A week in Paris Paris car hire

Problem? Click for Paris Emergency numbers
Eiffel tower at sunset

The Louvre, Paris
The Louvre museum

Guided tours from

paris City Vision
Paris City Vision offers a range of all inclusive guided tours in and round Paris

Day trips from Paris

Day trip excursions from Paris, by coach or minibus, including

Private minibus tours from your hotel

Private guided tours with pick-up and drop-off at your hotel. Click for minibus tour catalog

Hotels near the Eiffel Tower.
Click here
for a choice of over 50 hotels close to the Eiffel tower

Disneyland Paris... just click

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Camping in France
Independent hotels outside Paris

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